Friday, February 25, 2011

FKLifestyle presents: "Kings Attire" The Genesis

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Dressed in the garments of great black men's past we present to you great black men of the future. We congregate in Freedom City plotting our reign as Kings. Prior to the regal engagement, you witness the preliminaries; the movement of the ever so important goods between each Forever Kings member. The contents of this mysterious bag are crucial to the Forever Kings movement. Upon meeting on the water front, we finalize our move to power on “King” Street. The Genesis of Forever Kings, it all started here! Our City, Our Home!
Kings Attire: The Genesis is the landmark beginning of the Forever Kings movement. When we say dressed in the garments of the past, this is a direct reference to times in history when black men dressed accordingly; Times of the Harlem Renaissance when young black men dressed as though it was an art form, in suits and what we now call formal wear. We are draped in Kings’ Attire as we move towards our decree.
The contents of our mysterious bag are the symbolic solutions/ tools in which we utilize on our journey. Solutions, which are the knowledge and history which we have attained and will continue to acquire as we embark on this Forever Kings Journey. Tools, which are the contributions each member input to the movement as we grow together. This is where the symbolism of the movement of the bag comes in; each member touching the bag is his forfeit and gain as Forever Kings.
We are in the heart of "Freedom City" Frederiksted, St. Croix; in the midst of our historical buildings, and steps away from monuments of astounding men in our island's history like Moses Gottlieb (General Buddhoe) and Verne I. Richards, these men along with many others who have done so much for this island. We have learned from them in hopes that in the future we can do even a fraction of what they have done for this place we call home.


  1. Great Job Kings!!! This is an amazing post...a true reflection of positive black men doing BIG thongs! I love this! Keep it up Kings...#ForeverKings

  2. I love the message behind the video, and definitely the song makes the message hit the mark. Impressed by what you guys do. Keep it up.

  3. I wish all the men in the virgin islands had style like you guys.

  4. BRAVO Forever Kings! I love seeing young aspiring black men doing positive things and repping the VI. Continue doing such a splendid job in your work, I always look forward to your posts. And big shout out to writer of this post, Excellent!

  5. I Love this FK..It came out excellant. #FK

  6. I love this video! You guys are hot! Especially @Planet_FK :)

  7. Yall just to cool!! Lol whats in the bag? #Curious

  8. "The contents of our mysterious bag are the symbolic solutions/ tools in which we utilize on our journey. Solutions, which are the knowledge and history which we have attained and will continue to acquire as we embark on this Forever Kings Journey"
